Saturday, November 21, 2009

Bailey 7-8 Months Old

Wow how time flies! I cant believe that Miss Bailey is now 8 months old!! She is growing up so fast. She is now pulling herself up on everything and anything including stuff that moves. She has taken a few steps behind her walker not realizing at first it moves! She is getting into everything and is VERY quick! You never know where she is going and it doesn't take her long to get there. She diffinetly keeps us on our toes! It won't be long before she is walking which terrifies me. She has also moved to a big girl car seat. She has already out grown the first one. I cant believe it! I am also very excited for the holiday season this year to celebrate with Bailey! I especially hope is snows this Christmas since we will be home visiting. I know most of you think I am crazy and are going to be tired of the snow but I can't wait. Especially since we are still in the low 80's! As for me not much to report on but Drew got a new job for the Town of Gila Bend. And for those who didn't know we moved to Gila Bend so Drew could be closer to his job. Its a smaller town then Buckeye but we are surviving so far. I have posted new pictures of Bailey and they are in no way in order but they are about 6 1/2 months to current. Enjoy!

Bailey sucking on a piece of beef jerkey

Baileys first black eye

A boo boo after falling and hitting her head on the coffee table

Bailey loves to stick out her tongue

Bailey just hanging out in her carseat

Baileys new BIG girl carseat

What a face

Bailey playing in a basket

Bailey driving Grandpa Arts car

Daddy and what he calls "Joe Cool" Bailey

Bailey munching on a Kit Kar bar after trick or treating

Bailey visiting the neighbors cow he brings home every year for Halloween for the kids to see

Mommy and Bailey trick or treating
Our little family

Here is a short video of Bailey playing in the pantry

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