Bailey is now 5 months old!! It is amazing how fast time flies by. They grow up so fast. Bailey is now 17 pounds 7 oz. She is such a big girl. It is now just a matter of time before our little girl is crawling all over the place. She rolls all over and ends up in the hall way or up against the wall. She now is starting to scoot all over the place and turns in all directions. She is a pretty active baby! As for mom and dad, Drew started a new job working as a Parks and Rec coordinator for the city and is enjoying it and I am just working and trying to keep up with Bailey!
Grandpa Art and Bailey taking a little dip in the pool!
Daddy feeding Bailey her ceral!
Bailey admiring Munchkin! They are so cute together!
Bailey taking one of her afternoon nap!
Bailey using Muchkin as a foot stool!!
Bailey picking out a movie for us to watch!!
Bailey can't decide which cd she wants to listen to!!
Bailey in her new sesame street high chair!!
The Famous Five 4 (2015)
9 years ago